Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday avro ghetto winch sesh!

Had an awesome little winch session today with Nicko, Dylan and Corey in our sweet little spot we dicovered near Dylan's. Nicko and I smashed together a little 2.4m flatbar on sunday and we got good use out of it this arvo thats for sure!! We ended up having our last hits under a head light lit rail. I really need to get a remote flash for my camera as i probably would have got some pretty sweet shots if I did have one, but hey had an awesome time and got a bunch of cool pics. Big thanks to Nicko for dragging his winch down to the coast :) . Heres a few of the pics we got.....
Nicko ollieing on to boardslide
Me getting out on the tail
Corey over shooting the rail

DP bs270 off the rail